Sorry, I haven't been around the last few days.
Hi John (and all)
Haven' t been aroubnd the past mnth or so. Busy etc ...and now desktop (laptop kaput. Hence spelling mistakes- not used to feel of new kybbrd. See?!!)
Got a 'you are missed at Type40' email the first day, that was a nice welcome to the new machine! tThanks and hello again everyobe.
But I may (darling wife Bev says!) cannibalise our laptop's screen for own TARdIS 2005/6/7 style console, still in a preliminary construction stage, anyone know if that's doable? (ie to connect the ok screen of a defunct model D22ES Notebook Computer ['Clevo Co. ... made in Taiwan'], to serve as monitor for a BBC Micro?
(Otherwise I'll just have to use the fake screen I mocked up with just some blinky lights behind it for effect. Not as classy as a real flatscreen capable of displaying Gallifreyan rotating indented hexagons and circles, coloured graphics and prompts: 'Critical Timing Malfunction', 'Warning: Environment exceeds engineering tolerances', etc, plus scanner images of far-flung and diverse environments!).
Advice welcome!
I just bought bth DR WHo 1960s movies on one video for £3, found in local Sue Ryder shop
(plus some putative TARdis console parts - 'equip your own Tardis for pennies from charity shops!' - seems in keeping somehow. Discarded and broken bits from industrial estates and waste ground also useful... I have a very large collection of parts now, available to sort through, clean, adapt and assemble...).
Watched those old films again (after a long time!) in my attic workshop, with enjoyment and bemusement. 'Hello Dr Who' indeed!
Oddities of Cinema, an alternative Who universe. Alternative Barbara/Ian/Susan, Louise (who she?). Thals, wow. Daleks, ugh (webbed clawed hand only glimpse. Was that as seen in original TV version too?)
The Daleks' saucer and control rooms are CLASSY... I have to admit.
And for no-budget monsters the (never seen) creatures of Skaro's Lake of Mutations can't be beat (for price)! Actually... that worked rather well. Ian (Roy Castle), scared while washing his face in a pool, says he saw a big thing under the water... lone Thal then left behind there to fill water bottles (as one does... duh!) is heard to scream by others walking on ahead... they rush back... to find bottle floating, water bubbling, Thal gone.
'Where is he?' another Thal asks, and we wonder.
Like the earlier Thal comment - 'if they [the Daleks] call US monsters, what must THEY be like?' - implication is powerful. Maybe unseen monsters in the imagination work best?
I'd thought the 2150 invasion film Daleks were the ones with radio dish antennae on their shoulders but no... that must have been in the tV story then?
Fascinating to see Sugar Puffs still being advertised in 2150...
and that 20th cenbtury lorries still roadworthy then!
Products made to last, ah, thse were the days... :-)
One moment of great joy... Cushing's Doctor looks at a map of the Watford, Bedford (Dalek mine) area... and my birthplace is on there! Newport Pagnell... ha ha, I'm famous, my place of birth (1962, a few years before film's release) is visible on a map in Peter Cushing's Doctor Who's hands, in a Dalek film!! Hurray!!!
No wonder I'm a fan.
No, I'm not 'sad'... I'm HAPPY!
Glad to be back, goodwill to all.
Happy reunions always! See you in the new season!